Sl.No Subject Upload Date Download
1 Transfer and Posting of Senior Veterinary Officers 05-02-2025 .pdf
2 Internal Complaints Committee 23-01-2025 .pdf
3 Invitation of PET Show on 04/01/2025 at ITF 03-01-2025 .pdf
4 Recruitment For The Post of IT Resource Person - Statement of Marks Obtained By Candidates 30-12-2024 .pdf
5 List of Ineligible Candidates for Vet. Compounder 17-12-2024 .pdf
6 List of Eligible Candidates for the post of Vet. Compounder 17-12-2024 .pdf
7 Press Note on Recruitment of Vet. Compounder - List of Eligible & Ineligible Candidates 17-12-2024 .pdf
8 Schedule of Interview for The Post of IT Resource Person 05-12-2024 .pdf
9 Details of Eligible Applicants For The Post of IT Resource Person 02-12-2024 .pdf
10 Memorandum - Dr. Dudhe Shashank Deorao, Senior Veterinary Officer 18-11-2024 .pdf
11 Merit List Senior Veterinary Officer on Contractual Basis 25-10-2024 .pdf
12 Vacancy of Veterinary Compounder 18-10-2024 .pdf
13 Financial Power 18-10-2024 .pdf
14 Extension of Last Date of Admission to 1st Year BVSc & AH Degree Course Programme for the Acamedic Year 2024-25 08-10-2024 .pdf
15 Corrigendum 12-09-2024 .pdf
16 Online VCI Counseling for BVSc Course 06-09-2024 .pdf
17 List of Eligible and Ineligible Candidates for The Post of Senior Veterinary Officer on Contractual Basis 29-08-2024 .pdf
18 e-Tender for Supply of Veterinary Medicines 26-08-2024 .pdf
19 e-Tender Cancellation Notice 23-08-2024 .pdf
20 IT Resources Person Eligible and Non Eligible Candidates List 30-07-2024 .pdf
21 Appointment of Senior Veterinary Officers on Contractual Basis 25-07-2024 .pdf
22 Field Training Order of Veterinary Compounder 23-07-2024 .pdf
24 e-Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Egg Incubators (Setter and Hatchers) 11-07-2024 .pdf
25 Draft Transfer and Posting Senior Veterinary Officers 12-06-2024 .pdf
26 Draft Transfer and Postings Para-Veterinary Staffs 12-06-2024 .pdf
27 Draft Transfer and Postings Laboratory Assistants/HP Operators/Multi-Task Staffs 12-06-2024 .pdf
28 Draft Transfer and Posting Mazdoor-cum-Attendants 12-06-2024 .pdf
29 Circular 10-04-2024 .pdf
30 Draft Recruitment Rules for the Post of Digital Machine Operator 13-03-2024 .pdf
31 Advertisement for the post of 02 Nos of IT Resources Person on Contractual Basis under National Digital Livestock Mission (NDLM) 12-03-2024 .pdf
32 Revised Merit list for the post of Tractor Driver 26-02-2024 .pdf
33 DESERTION NOTICE 06-02-2024 .pdf
34 Provisionally Selected Candidate For The Post of Veterinary Compounder 06-02-2024 .pdf
35 Statement of Marks - Veterinary Compounder 01-02-2024 .pdf
36 Transfer and Posting Veterinary Compounder 18-01-2024 .pdf
37 Answer Key For The Post of Veterinary Compounder 22-12-2023 .pdf
38 Corrigendum on Hall Ticket For The Post of Veterinary Compounder 30-11-2023 .pdf
39 List of Ineligible Candidates for the Post of Veterinary Compounder 24-11-2023 .pdf
40 List of Eligible Candidates for the Post of Veterinary Compounder 24-11-2023 .pdf
41 Category wise Selected Candidates as per merit for the Post of Driver (LMV) 21-11-2023 .pdf
42 Combine Merit List for the Post of Driver (LMV) 21-11-2023 .pdf
44 Revised Syllabus of Trade Test for the post of Driver (LMV) 31-10-2023 .pdf
45 Syllabus for Trade Test of LMV Driver 25-10-2023 .pdf
46 Press Note on Trade Test for LMV Driver 25-10-2023 .pdf
47 Press Note Regarding Information of Trade Test For The Post of Driver (LMV) at Department of AH&VS 23-10-2023 .pdf
48 Syllabus of Trade Test for the Post of Driver (LMV) at Department of AH&VS 23-10-2023 .pdf
49 Revised list of candidates shortlisted to appear in Trade Test for the post of Driver (LMV) 18-10-2023 .pdf
50 Order of DRMs with enhanced wages @1/30th of minimum Pay plus Dearness Allowane 05-10-2023 .pdf
51 Short Listed Candidates for Trade Test of LMV Driver 13-09-2023 .pdf
52 Combined Merit List of LMV Driver 13-09-2023 .pdf
53 Combined and Final Merit List of Selected Candidates for Tractor Driver 13-09-2023 .pdf
54 Final Merit List of Selected Candidates for Lab Assistant 13-09-2023 .pdf
55 Final Merit List of Selected Candidates for Enumerator 13-09-2023 .pdf
56 Combined Merit List of Enumerator 13-09-2023 .pdf
57 Final Merit List of Selected Candidates for Agriculture Demonstrator 13-09-2023 .pdf
58 Combined Merit List of Agriculture Demonstrator 13-09-2023 .pdf
59 Mark Statements of Trade Test of Tractor Driver 14-07-2023 .pdf
60 Statement of Marks for the Post of Enumerator 14-07-2023 .pdf
61 Statement of Marks for the Post of LMV Driver 14-07-2023 .pdf
62 Statement of Marks for the Post of Lab Assistant 14-07-2023 .pdf
63 Statement of Marks for the Post of Agriculture Demonstrator 14-07-2023 .pdf
64 Recruitment of Group C post of Veterinary Compounder under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services 05-07-2023 .pdf
65 REMINDER-I NOTICE :- Compassionate Appointment 23-06-2023 .pdf
66 Corrigendum on Veterinary Compounder Transfer 16-06-2023 .pdf
67 Provisional Seniority Lis of Candidates for appointment on Compassionate ground in the Dept. of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services 16-06-2023 .pdf
68 Order No. 1862 Transfer Order of Veterinary Compounders 13-06-2023 .pdf
69 Transfer Order of Veterinary Compounder 06-06-2023 .pdf
70 Transfer Order of MTS & Veterinary Messenger 06-06-2023 .pdf
71 Posting Order of Senior Veterinary Compounder 06-06-2023 .pdf
72 Posting Order of Junior Investigator 06-06-2023 .pdf
73 Selling Prices of Departmental Inputs 18-05-2023 .pdf
74 Furnishing Information under RTI Act, 2005-reg. 09-05-2023 .pdf
75 Draft Transfer and Posting Multi Task Staff 01-05-2023 .pdf
76 Draft Transfer and Posting order Para-Veterinary Staffs 01-05-2023 .pdf
77 Results of ANUTVC Members 2023 21-04-2023 .pdf
78 Circular 08-04-2023 .pdf
79 Draft Electoral Roll of Veterinarians enrolled in the Andaman & Nicobar UT Veterinary Council 02-02-2023 .pdf
80 Amendment in the Operational Guidelines of National Livestock Mission (NLM) 02-01-2023 .pdf
81 Andaman and Nicobar Islands Veterinary Council Rule 1992 24-11-2022 .pdf
82 Amended Recruitment Rule of Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services 14-11-2022 .pdf
83 Veterinary Compounder Transfer Abeyance Order 30-09-2022 .pdf
84 Veterinary Compounder Stand Relieved 22-09-2022 .pdf
85 Transfer of Veterinary Compounders 31-08-2022 .pdf
86 Transfer order of Veterinary Compounder 17-08-2022 .pdf
87 Transfer order of Livestock Supervisor 17-08-2022 .pdf
88 Corrigendum in respect of Mazdoor-cum-Attendants transfer order No. 468 dated 29.06.2022 29-06-2022 .pdf
89 Transfer order of Multi Tasking Staff, Laboratory Staffs and Mazdoor-cum-Attendants 29-06-2022 .pdf
90 Expression of Interest (EOI) for applying to Entrepreneurship Development Programme under National Livestock Mission 02-06-2022 .pdf
91 Link for applying application for Expression of Interest (EOI) under National Livestock Mission and also available in AHVS Website under important link- National Livestock Mission. 02-06-2022 .pdf
92 Link for Training related to Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services 21-12-2021 .pdf
93 Link for Availability of Animal Husbandry Farm Inputs 21-12-2021 .pdf
94 Notice-Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund(AHIDF) 25-11-2021 .pdf
95 Implementation Guidelines for Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) 24-11-2021 .pdf
96 Implementation of RKVY Project during the year 2021-22 10-09-2021 .pdf
97 District wise list of beneficiaries under National Livestock Mission 05-07-2021 .pdf
98 Amended notification in respect of PIO and Appellate Authority 30-04-2021 .pdf
99 List of PIOs and APIOs information of RTI 30-04-2021 .pdf
100 Draft Recruitment(Revising) Rules for the post of Livestock Supervisor, Senior Veterinary Compounder and Veterinary Compounder 24-12-2020 .pdf
101 Observance of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas 10-11-2020 .pdf
102 Integrity Pledge 2020 10-11-2020 .pdf
103 Draft Recruitment Rule for the posts of Laboratory Assistant and Lab Technician 28-09-2020 .pdf
104 Transfer and Posting order (Senior Veterinary Compounders, Veterinary Compounders and Lab attendant) 27-07-2020 .pdf
105 Circular of Bio Medical Waste Management and Handling Rules 2016 27-06-2020 .pdf
106 Updated Bio Medical Waste Rules 2016 27-06-2020 .pdf
107 Expression of Interest invited from Interested Suppliers for Supply of Milch Cows .pdf
108 Expression of Interest (EOI) for Participating in the Supply of Milch Cows under Schemes of Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services AN Administration .pdf
109 Draft Egg laying hen rules 29-04-2019 .pdf
110 Question Paper And Answer Key- Enumerator .pdf
111 Attention - Driver (LMV) Examination - Press Note .pdf
112 Question Paper and Answer Key- Driver (LMV) .pdf
113 Answer Key for the Post of Agriculture Demonstrator .pdf
114 Question Paper - Agriculture Demonstrator .pdf
115 Answer Key Laboratory Assistant Examination .pdf
116 Question Paper Laboratory Assistant Examination .pdf
117 Attention - Laboratory Assistant Examination .pdf
118 Attention Trade Test for Tractor Driver .pdf
119 Attention-Enumerator Examination-Press Note 28-06-2019 .pdf
120 Draft Recruitment rules for the post of Director .pdf
121 Re-examination for the post of Driver (LMV) .pdf
122 Notice - Recruitment rules for the post of Director .pdf
123 Result for test conducted for the post of Driver and Tractor Driver .pdf
124 Tractor Driver answer key .pdf
125 Tractor Driver Question paper .pdf
126 Questionpaper LMVDriver .pdf
127 Answerkey of LMV Driver .pdf
128 Admission of students to BVSc AH Degree course-reg. .pdf
129 Written Examination from Eligible candidates for the post of Hatchery Plant operator .pdf
130 Not eligible candidates for the post of Driver .pdf
131 List of eligible candidates for the post of Driver(CarNicobar) .pdf
132 List of eligible candidates for the post of Driver(Campbell Bay) .pdf
133 List of eligible candidates for the post of Driver(North and Middle Andaman) .pdf
134 List of eligible candidates for the post of Driver(South Andaman) .pdf
135 Not Eligible candidates for the post of Enumerator .pdf
136 List of eligible candidates for the post of Enumerator(Car Nicobar) .pdf
137 List of eligible candidates for the post of Enumerator(North and Middle Andaman) .pdf
138 List of eligible candidates for the post of Enumerator(South Andaman) .pdf
139 Message (Word Rabies Day) .pdf
140 Not Eligible candidates for the post of Laboratory Assistant .pdf
141 List of eligible candidates for the post of Laboratory Assistant(North and Middle Andaman) .pdf
142 List of eligible candidates for the post of Laboratory Assistant(South Andaman) .pdf
143 Not Eligible candidates for the post of Agricultural Demonstrator .pdf
144 List of eligible candidates for the post of Agricultural Demonstrator(Campbell Bay) .pdf
145 List of eligible candidates for the post of Agriculture Demonstrator(North Middle Andaman) .pdf
146 List of eligible candidates for the post of Agriculture Demonstrator(South Andaman) .pdf
147 Not Eligible candidates for the post of Tractor Driver .pdf
148 List of eligible candidates for the post of Tractor Driver(CampbellBay) .pdf
149 List of Eligible Candidates for the post of Tractor Driver(North and Middle Andaman) .pdf
150 List of Eligible Candidates for the post of Tractor Driver(South Andaman) .pdf
151 World Rabies Day .pdf
152 Dr.A.K.Bardhan elected as President ANUTVC .pdf
153 Written Examination on 21.10.2018 at Govt Middle School Dollygunj for the post of Hatchery or Plant operator .pdf
154 List of eligible candidates for the post of Hatchery Plant Operator .pdf
155 Transfer and posting order of Veterinary Compounder .pdf
156 Vacancy notice .pdf
157 Draft Electoral Roll .pdf
158 Tender Document for Supply of High quality Paddy Straw .pdf
159 Tender Document for Supply of Parent stock Poultry Chicks .pdf
160 Tender Document for Server and Computers on Buyback basis .pdf
161 Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Hydroponic Machine .pdf
162 Service Profile of Senior Veterinary Officers .pdf
163 Monthly e-bulletin on Animal Disease Information in the country .pdf
164 Filling up one post of Director of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services (Group A Gazetted) under the AN Administration on deputation (including short term contract) plus promotion / Re employment of Armed Forces Personnel .pdf
165 Walk - in interview for the post of Enumerator .pdf
166 Transfer and Posting of Veterinary staffs .pdf
167 Transfer and Posting of SVOs .pdf
168 Service profile of Senior Veterinary Officers as on April 2015 .pdf
169 Animal Disease Information e-bulletin .pdf
170 Dairy Entrepreneurship Development scheme-Submmission of Claims .pdf
171 Result of Painting competition .pdf
172 Election of Members for Andaman and Nicobar Union Territory Veterinary Council 2015-2018 .pdf
173 List of Beneficiaries affected by Cyclone LAHAR .pdf
174 Result of Dog Show 2015 .pdf
175 SPCA -Life Member .pdf
176 SPCA - Ordinary Member .pdf
177 Election for the Executive committee members of the SPCA .pdf
178 Banning of Bulls as performing animals - Supreme Court .pdf
179 Office Order No.1155 (Subsidy Programme) .pdf