1 |
Transfer and Posting of Senior Veterinary Officers |
05-02-2025 |
.pdf |
2 |
Internal Complaints Committee |
23-01-2025 |
.pdf |
3 |
Invitation of PET Show on 04/01/2025 at ITF |
03-01-2025 |
.pdf |
4 |
Recruitment For The Post of IT Resource Person - Statement of Marks Obtained By Candidates |
30-12-2024 |
.pdf |
5 |
List of Ineligible Candidates for Vet. Compounder |
17-12-2024 |
.pdf |
6 |
List of Eligible Candidates for the post of Vet. Compounder |
17-12-2024 |
.pdf |
7 |
Press Note on Recruitment of Vet. Compounder - List of Eligible & Ineligible Candidates |
17-12-2024 |
.pdf |
8 |
Schedule of Interview for The Post of IT Resource Person |
05-12-2024 |
.pdf |
9 |
Details of Eligible Applicants For The Post of IT Resource Person |
02-12-2024 |
.pdf |
10 |
Memorandum - Dr. Dudhe Shashank Deorao, Senior Veterinary Officer |
18-11-2024 |
.pdf |
11 |
Merit List Senior Veterinary Officer on Contractual Basis |
25-10-2024 |
.pdf |
12 |
Vacancy of Veterinary Compounder |
18-10-2024 |
.pdf |
13 |
Financial Power |
18-10-2024 |
.pdf |
14 |
Extension of Last Date of Admission to 1st Year BVSc & AH Degree Course Programme for the Acamedic Year 2024-25 |
08-10-2024 |
.pdf |
15 |
Corrigendum |
12-09-2024 |
.pdf |
16 |
Online VCI Counseling for BVSc Course |
06-09-2024 |
.pdf |
17 |
List of Eligible and Ineligible Candidates for The Post of Senior Veterinary Officer on Contractual Basis |
29-08-2024 |
.pdf |
18 |
e-Tender for Supply of Veterinary Medicines |
26-08-2024 |
.pdf |
19 |
e-Tender Cancellation Notice |
23-08-2024 |
.pdf |
20 |
IT Resources Person Eligible and Non Eligible Candidates List |
30-07-2024 |
.pdf |
21 |
Appointment of Senior Veterinary Officers on Contractual Basis |
25-07-2024 |
.pdf |
22 |
Field Training Order of Veterinary Compounder |
23-07-2024 |
.pdf |
23 |
22-07-2024 |
.pdf |
24 |
e-Tender for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance of Egg Incubators (Setter and Hatchers) |
11-07-2024 |
.pdf |
25 |
Draft Transfer and Posting Senior Veterinary Officers |
12-06-2024 |
.pdf |
26 |
Draft Transfer and Postings Para-Veterinary Staffs |
12-06-2024 |
.pdf |
27 |
Draft Transfer and Postings Laboratory Assistants/HP Operators/Multi-Task Staffs |
12-06-2024 |
.pdf |
28 |
Draft Transfer and Posting Mazdoor-cum-Attendants |
12-06-2024 |
.pdf |
29 |
Circular |
10-04-2024 |
.pdf |
30 |
Draft Recruitment Rules for the Post of Digital Machine Operator |
13-03-2024 |
.pdf |
31 |
Advertisement for the post of 02 Nos of IT Resources Person on Contractual Basis under National Digital Livestock Mission (NDLM) |
12-03-2024 |
.pdf |
32 |
Revised Merit list for the post of Tractor Driver |
26-02-2024 |
.pdf |
33 |
06-02-2024 |
.pdf |
34 |
Provisionally Selected Candidate For The Post of Veterinary Compounder |
06-02-2024 |
.pdf |
35 |
Statement of Marks - Veterinary Compounder |
01-02-2024 |
.pdf |
36 |
Transfer and Posting Veterinary Compounder |
18-01-2024 |
.pdf |
37 |
Answer Key For The Post of Veterinary Compounder |
22-12-2023 |
.pdf |
38 |
Corrigendum on Hall Ticket For The Post of Veterinary Compounder |
30-11-2023 |
.pdf |
39 |
List of Ineligible Candidates for the Post of Veterinary Compounder |
24-11-2023 |
.pdf |
40 |
List of Eligible Candidates for the Post of Veterinary Compounder |
24-11-2023 |
.pdf |
41 |
Category wise Selected Candidates as per merit for the Post of Driver (LMV) |
21-11-2023 |
.pdf |
42 |
Combine Merit List for the Post of Driver (LMV) |
21-11-2023 |
.pdf |
43 |
17-11-2023 |
.pdf |
44 |
Revised Syllabus of Trade Test for the post of Driver (LMV) |
31-10-2023 |
.pdf |
45 |
Syllabus for Trade Test of LMV Driver |
25-10-2023 |
.pdf |
46 |
Press Note on Trade Test for LMV Driver |
25-10-2023 |
.pdf |
47 |
Press Note Regarding Information of Trade Test For The Post of Driver (LMV) at Department of AH&VS |
23-10-2023 |
.pdf |
48 |
Syllabus of Trade Test for the Post of Driver (LMV) at Department of AH&VS |
23-10-2023 |
.pdf |
49 |
Revised list of candidates shortlisted to appear in Trade Test for the post of Driver (LMV) |
18-10-2023 |
.pdf |
50 |
Order of DRMs with enhanced wages @1/30th of minimum Pay plus Dearness Allowane |
05-10-2023 |
.pdf |
51 |
Short Listed Candidates for Trade Test of LMV Driver |
13-09-2023 |
.pdf |
52 |
Combined Merit List of LMV Driver |
13-09-2023 |
.pdf |
53 |
Combined and Final Merit List of Selected Candidates for Tractor Driver |
13-09-2023 |
.pdf |
54 |
Final Merit List of Selected Candidates for Lab Assistant |
13-09-2023 |
.pdf |
55 |
Final Merit List of Selected Candidates for Enumerator |
13-09-2023 |
.pdf |
56 |
Combined Merit List of Enumerator |
13-09-2023 |
.pdf |
57 |
Final Merit List of Selected Candidates for Agriculture Demonstrator |
13-09-2023 |
.pdf |
58 |
Combined Merit List of Agriculture Demonstrator |
13-09-2023 |
.pdf |
59 |
Mark Statements of Trade Test of Tractor Driver |
14-07-2023 |
.pdf |
60 |
Statement of Marks for the Post of Enumerator |
14-07-2023 |
.pdf |
61 |
Statement of Marks for the Post of LMV Driver |
14-07-2023 |
.pdf |
62 |
Statement of Marks for the Post of Lab Assistant |
14-07-2023 |
.pdf |
63 |
Statement of Marks for the Post of Agriculture Demonstrator |
14-07-2023 |
.pdf |
64 |
Recruitment of Group C post of Veterinary Compounder under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services |
05-07-2023 |
.pdf |
65 |
REMINDER-I NOTICE :- Compassionate Appointment |
23-06-2023 |
.pdf |
66 |
Corrigendum on Veterinary Compounder Transfer |
16-06-2023 |
.pdf |
67 |
Provisional Seniority Lis of Candidates for appointment on Compassionate ground in the Dept. of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services |
16-06-2023 |
.pdf |
68 |
Order No. 1862 Transfer Order of Veterinary Compounders |
13-06-2023 |
.pdf |
69 |
Transfer Order of Veterinary Compounder |
06-06-2023 |
.pdf |
70 |
Transfer Order of MTS & Veterinary Messenger |
06-06-2023 |
.pdf |
71 |
Posting Order of Senior Veterinary Compounder |
06-06-2023 |
.pdf |
72 |
Posting Order of Junior Investigator |
06-06-2023 |
.pdf |
73 |
Selling Prices of Departmental Inputs |
18-05-2023 |
.pdf |
74 |
Furnishing Information under RTI Act, 2005-reg. |
09-05-2023 |
.pdf |
75 |
Draft Transfer and Posting Multi Task Staff |
01-05-2023 |
.pdf |
76 |
Draft Transfer and Posting order Para-Veterinary Staffs |
01-05-2023 |
.pdf |
77 |
Results of ANUTVC Members 2023 |
21-04-2023 |
.pdf |
78 |
Circular |
08-04-2023 |
.pdf |
79 |
Draft Electoral Roll of Veterinarians enrolled in the Andaman & Nicobar UT Veterinary Council |
02-02-2023 |
.pdf |
80 |
Amendment in the Operational Guidelines of National Livestock Mission (NLM) |
02-01-2023 |
.pdf |
81 |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Veterinary Council Rule 1992 |
24-11-2022 |
.pdf |
82 |
Amended Recruitment Rule of Director of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services |
14-11-2022 |
.pdf |
83 |
Veterinary Compounder Transfer Abeyance Order |
30-09-2022 |
.pdf |
84 |
Veterinary Compounder Stand Relieved |
22-09-2022 |
.pdf |
85 |
Transfer of Veterinary Compounders |
31-08-2022 |
.pdf |
86 |
Transfer order of Veterinary Compounder |
17-08-2022 |
.pdf |
87 |
Transfer order of Livestock Supervisor |
17-08-2022 |
.pdf |
88 |
Corrigendum in respect of Mazdoor-cum-Attendants transfer order No. 468 dated 29.06.2022 |
29-06-2022 |
.pdf |
89 |
Transfer order of Multi Tasking Staff, Laboratory Staffs and Mazdoor-cum-Attendants |
29-06-2022 |
.pdf |
90 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for applying to Entrepreneurship Development Programme under National Livestock Mission |
02-06-2022 |
.pdf |
91 |
Link for applying application for Expression of Interest (EOI) under National Livestock Mission https://nlm.udyamimitra.in and also available in AHVS Website https://ahvs.andaman.gov.in under important link- National Livestock Mission. |
02-06-2022 |
.pdf |
92 |
Link for Training related to Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services |
21-12-2021 |
.pdf |
93 |
Link for Availability of Animal Husbandry Farm Inputs |
21-12-2021 |
.pdf |
94 |
Notice-Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund(AHIDF) |
25-11-2021 |
.pdf |
95 |
Implementation Guidelines for Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) |
24-11-2021 |
.pdf |
96 |
Implementation of RKVY Project during the year 2021-22 |
10-09-2021 |
.pdf |
97 |
District wise list of beneficiaries under National Livestock Mission |
05-07-2021 |
.pdf |
98 |
Amended notification in respect of PIO and Appellate Authority |
30-04-2021 |
.pdf |
99 |
List of PIOs and APIOs information of RTI |
30-04-2021 |
.pdf |
100 |
Draft Recruitment(Revising) Rules for the post of Livestock Supervisor, Senior Veterinary Compounder and Veterinary Compounder |
24-12-2020 |
.pdf |
101 |
Observance of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas |
10-11-2020 |
.pdf |
102 |
Integrity Pledge 2020 |
10-11-2020 |
.pdf |
103 |
Draft Recruitment Rule for the posts of Laboratory Assistant and Lab Technician |
28-09-2020 |
.pdf |
104 |
Transfer and Posting order (Senior Veterinary Compounders, Veterinary Compounders and Lab attendant) |
27-07-2020 |
.pdf |
105 |
Circular of Bio Medical Waste Management and Handling Rules 2016 |
27-06-2020 |
.pdf |
106 |
Updated Bio Medical Waste Rules 2016 |
27-06-2020 |
.pdf |
107 |
Expression of Interest invited from Interested Suppliers for Supply of Milch Cows |
.pdf |
108 |
Expression of Interest (EOI) for Participating in the Supply of Milch Cows under Schemes of Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services AN Administration |
.pdf |
109 |
Draft Egg laying hen rules |
29-04-2019 |
.pdf |
110 |
Question Paper And Answer Key- Enumerator |
.pdf |
111 |
Attention - Driver (LMV) Examination - Press Note |
.pdf |
112 |
Question Paper and Answer Key- Driver (LMV) |
.pdf |
113 |
Answer Key for the Post of Agriculture Demonstrator |
.pdf |
114 |
Question Paper - Agriculture Demonstrator |
.pdf |
115 |
Answer Key Laboratory Assistant Examination |
.pdf |
116 |
Question Paper Laboratory Assistant Examination |
.pdf |
117 |
Attention - Laboratory Assistant Examination |
.pdf |
118 |
Attention Trade Test for Tractor Driver |
.pdf |
119 |
Attention-Enumerator Examination-Press Note |
28-06-2019 |
.pdf |
120 |
Draft Recruitment rules for the post of Director |
.pdf |
121 |
Re-examination for the post of Driver (LMV) |
.pdf |
122 |
Notice - Recruitment rules for the post of Director |
.pdf |
123 |
Result for test conducted for the post of Driver and Tractor Driver |
.pdf |
124 |
Tractor Driver answer key |
.pdf |
125 |
Tractor Driver Question paper |
.pdf |
126 |
Questionpaper LMVDriver |
.pdf |
127 |
Answerkey of LMV Driver |
.pdf |
128 |
Admission of students to BVSc AH Degree course-reg. |
.pdf |
129 |
Written Examination from Eligible candidates for the post of Hatchery Plant operator |
.pdf |
130 |
Not eligible candidates for the post of Driver |
.pdf |
131 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Driver(CarNicobar) |
.pdf |
132 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Driver(Campbell Bay) |
.pdf |
133 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Driver(North and Middle Andaman) |
.pdf |
134 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Driver(South Andaman) |
.pdf |
135 |
Not Eligible candidates for the post of Enumerator |
.pdf |
136 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Enumerator(Car Nicobar) |
.pdf |
137 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Enumerator(North and Middle Andaman) |
.pdf |
138 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Enumerator(South Andaman) |
.pdf |
139 |
Message (Word Rabies Day) |
.pdf |
140 |
Not Eligible candidates for the post of Laboratory Assistant |
.pdf |
141 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Laboratory Assistant(North and Middle Andaman) |
.pdf |
142 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Laboratory Assistant(South Andaman) |
.pdf |
143 |
Not Eligible candidates for the post of Agricultural Demonstrator |
.pdf |
144 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Agricultural Demonstrator(Campbell Bay) |
.pdf |
145 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Agriculture Demonstrator(North Middle Andaman) |
.pdf |
146 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Agriculture Demonstrator(South Andaman) |
.pdf |
147 |
Not Eligible candidates for the post of Tractor Driver |
.pdf |
148 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Tractor Driver(CampbellBay) |
.pdf |
149 |
List of Eligible Candidates for the post of Tractor Driver(North and Middle Andaman) |
.pdf |
150 |
List of Eligible Candidates for the post of Tractor Driver(South Andaman) |
.pdf |
151 |
World Rabies Day |
.pdf |
152 |
Dr.A.K.Bardhan elected as President ANUTVC |
.pdf |
153 |
Written Examination on 21.10.2018 at Govt Middle School Dollygunj for the post of Hatchery or Plant operator |
.pdf |
154 |
List of eligible candidates for the post of Hatchery Plant Operator |
.pdf |
155 |
Transfer and posting order of Veterinary Compounder |
.pdf |
156 |
Vacancy notice |
.pdf |
157 |
Draft Electoral Roll |
.pdf |
158 |
Tender Document for Supply of High quality Paddy Straw |
.pdf |
159 |
Tender Document for Supply of Parent stock Poultry Chicks |
.pdf |
160 |
Tender Document for Server and Computers on Buyback basis |
.pdf |
161 |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Hydroponic Machine |
.pdf |
162 |
Service Profile of Senior Veterinary Officers |
.pdf |
163 |
Monthly e-bulletin on Animal Disease Information in the country |
.pdf |
164 |
Filling up one post of Director of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services (Group A Gazetted) under the AN Administration on deputation (including short term contract) plus promotion / Re employment of Armed Forces Personnel |
.pdf |
165 |
Walk - in interview for the post of Enumerator |
.pdf |
166 |
Transfer and Posting of Veterinary staffs |
.pdf |
167 |
Transfer and Posting of SVOs |
.pdf |
168 |
Service profile of Senior Veterinary Officers as on April 2015 |
.pdf |
169 |
Animal Disease Information e-bulletin |
.pdf |
170 |
Dairy Entrepreneurship Development scheme-Submmission of Claims |
.pdf |
171 |
Result of Painting competition |
.pdf |
172 |
Election of Members for Andaman and Nicobar Union Territory Veterinary Council 2015-2018 |
.pdf |
173 |
List of Beneficiaries affected by Cyclone LAHAR |
.pdf |
174 |
Result of Dog Show 2015 |
.pdf |
175 |
SPCA -Life Member |
.pdf |
176 |
SPCA - Ordinary Member |
.pdf |
177 |
Election for the Executive committee members of the SPCA |
.pdf |
178 |
Banning of Bulls as performing animals - Supreme Court |
.pdf |
179 |
Office Order No.1155 (Subsidy Programme) |
.pdf |